College Tour Reunion!!

04 Apr

Last night many of the students and parents that participated with our 2012 Y College Tour came out to our Reunion Dinner and undoubtedly left with more than they probably anticipated. Catered by Pollo Tropical, with music by DJ Lerue (artist formally known as Champion Sarvis), the night was definitely one of good, family vibes and lessons learned to last a lifetime.

As the families feasted on salad, white rice, black beans, plantains and dinner rolls, they were entertained with a video presentation that captured the 5-day College Tour in 30 minutes. The video consisted of many of the photos seen on this blog, with additional photos, as well as video footage of students sharing their experiences and thoughts about the tour.

After dinner, Director Jocelyn Boyd spoke to the families about our continued mission to foster an earnest desire for furthered education within our students. Utilizing a slide show presentation, Director Boyd first gave quick tips on “How to Survive in College” and then gave a touch of history of the early African-American fight for education. “We owe it to our ancestors- whose knees bled, whose hands bled, who shed tears, and fought a good fight for you all– people they didn’t even know.” The room was silent with revelation as students and parents alike absorbed the powerful message of Ms. Boyd’s presentation. Following her charge, Ms. Boyd thanked each Champion individually and presented them with a momento for their hard work and dedication to the students and the Lauderhill Community YMCA.

Following the thank you’s, everyone received a link and was told to think about something they wanted to pledge to everyone that night. Getting all the students, parents, and Champions in a circle, Ms. Boyd started off with a pledge to make herself better so that she can be better for the students. Linking her piece of the chain with the student next to her, everyone took their turn stating their pledge and connecting their link piece until everyone was done and we were left with a long chain. “Everyone is going to get their link back. When you look at it, I want you all to remember that you are a part of something greater. It has been said that ‘we are only as strong as our weakest link’, don’t let that weak link be you. This doesn’t all just end here.”

A few more songs, and cake and ice-cream later, the night definietly ended on a very special note =)


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